Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Frustrating Fact

Okay, let me ask you this question. How many people out there have someone in their life that they love more than anything, be it a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, brother, sister, friend, anyone at all, but there is something that they do that you sometimes want to strangle them for it? For instance, my husband plays this online game called Arcane Legends and when I say he plays it, he PLAYS it. he is always on that stupid game. When he's not playing the actual game, he's in the chat room forum or whatever it's called. People in the Philippines talk to him more a day then I do! And this so called "free" online game is far from free. While you can play the actual game for free, if you want to get anywhere in the game at all you have to buy platinum, with real money, so that you can open these things called locks in the hope that you can get some cool, bad ass weapons and other assorted gear. And of course in order to get a good deal on the platinum, you have to buy a lot of it. For example, you can get 25 platinum for $9.99 or you can get 100 for $15.00. I honestly have no idea if that's how much the platinum costs; I stopped paying attention to those kinds of details a long time ago.

Now, I'm probably one of the few lucky ones when it comes to spouses or significant others playing video games non-stop. My husband is madly in love with me; every now and then, he randomly looks over at me and says, "God, I just love you so much." Then he leans over and kisses me and sets his game down and focuses completely, 100% on me. I know, that sounds so cute that it's almost disgusting, but just bear with me. I know that he's not doing that just because he thinks I'm getting frustrated with his game playing; he did things like that long before he discovered that game. I know that if I told him that I wanted him to put the game down for good and never pick it up again, he would. He'd definitely mumble and grumble and pout about it, but I'm 100% sure that he would quit playing the game. Okay, maybe not 100% sure. Probably closer to 90%. But he would definitely stop playing it for awhile! I don't think that I would ever tell him to stop playing it, though. He gets so happy when he's playing it that it would break my heart to make him stop. But it would be nice if he would put the game down and focus completely on me every now and then.

So, now it's your turn. Tell me about the person in your life that does that one thing that drives you absolutely crazy and tell me what that thing is. I want to know I'm not alone and that there's other people out there in this boat with me! Solidarity, strength in numbers, etc. etc.

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